When a person has pelvic dysfunction, it robs them of their quality of life unlike dysfunction in other areas of the body. Our physical therapists specialize in the care of of this area with a combined 36 years of experience helping both men and women reduce pain and improve function.
Read on to discover how we can help YOU


Pregnancy and Postpartum Care

Pregnancy is a very special time but can be hard on your body. The changing shape of your body and changing hormones can cause you to experience low back pain, upper back and neck pain, headaches, diastasis recti (split abdominal wall), sciatica, incontinence, and other pelvic floor dysfunctions. While all of these may be typical for pregnancy, that does not mean you have to suffer. Our pregnancy and postpartum care plan allows you to feel good during pregnancy and head off any problem areas or pain and allow you to recover from pregnancy and birth, including regaining muscle and core strength. Learn more…


Unfortunately, incontinence effects a large portion of the population, but did you know it is not normal to leak? Some women experience leakage with coughing, laughing, and sneezing. Others may experience urgency or frequency of urination. We can help! Our programs help you to understand the root causes of your incontinence and significant improvements are generally seen within 6 weeks.


Pelvic Pain

Some women complain of a headache in the pelvis, pain with intercourse, or pain with examination. The pain may be due to trigger points in the muscles of the pelvic floor, trauma caused during birth from tearing or episiotomy and, in some cases, tightness of the vaginal tissues. Other women have pain associated with fibromyalgia, endometriosis, or experience painful periods. Our goal is for you to function daily and enjoy intimacy without pain. We give you tools and treatment techniques to help you treat yourself, involving your partner as necessary, to get the results you want. Most women see improvement of their pain within the first 6 weeks of treatment.

Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Do you have the feeling that your insides are coming out or a feeling of pressure “down there”? You may be experiencing a falling of the organs of the pelvis. This can happen to the bladder, rectum, or uterus to differing degrees. Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles can help halt the progression of prolapse for some women, and for those needing surgery to correct the problem, pre- and post-surgical physical therapy can relieve problems associated with pain and incontinence and help with the recovery process.

Male Pelvic Floor

Men also have a pelvic floor, and it can cause many problems including: Pain with intercourse, incontinence, testicular pain, hernia, Peroni’s disease, urinary frequency, trouble starting the flow of urine, and chronic constipation. The trouble is that many men suffer with these issues and do not talk about them because they are embarrassed, think they are a normal part of aging, or simply do not know there is help. We have 2 therapists that treat male pelvic floor dysfunction. Schedule your consultation today!