Give the Gift of Health

We are offering gift certificates to give your friends and family for the holidays! The gift certificate is for a physical therapy evaluation, and never expires. The $60 certificate ( a $100 value) is available now. Get yours before Black Friday! 

Most people think they have to be injured to go to physical therapy and that they have to go 3 times a week for several weeks to get better. It can be so much more that that! Our therapist is trained to look at the body as a whole, and can help with everyday minor problems that effect your quality of life.

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Do you or someone you know sit at a desk all day? A physical therapy evaluation of posture, work station set up, and some simple exercises can help decrease back pain, neck pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and tension headaches, in one visit!

Do those old high school sports injuries come back to haunt you at the annual family backward football game? Get checked out by a physical therapist to show you how to eliminate nagging aches and pains that limit you from doing what love!

Do you want to start a new exercise program this year, but aren't sure what to do, or if it is safe for you? Get a therapy evaluation today! We can guide you to correct exercises and modifications to protect you from injury. There is no faster way to quit on that New Year's resolution than to injure yourself by performing an exercise that is too strenuous for you! Let our therapist customize a program to meet your goals, safely!

Got snow? Shoveling driveways, and sidewalks, and pushing heavy snow blowers are some of the most common causes of back pain in the winter. Don't wait to get injured!  A physical therapist can show you the correct body mechanics for preventing that back ache in the first place!

If any of these scenarios sound familiar to you, you need a physical therapist! Give the gift of health this holiday season and at a great price! Get your certificates today!

Kelley PenroseComment