Physical therapy is the art of unlocking the body’s potential to heal itself, creating a whole and healthy person. It encompasses rehabilitative, supportive, and preventative services to help each person live their best life. From treatment of post-surgical diagnoses to chronic pain conditions, from orthotic prescription to pregnancy, and from prevention to wellness, Penrose Physical Therapy is here to support your journey. Our greatest wish is that you will love the life you live as we provide the tools and information you need.


Outpatient Orthopedic Physical Therapy:

Our traditional physical therapy program works to rehabilitate following injury of the body. The goals of our treatments are to help speed the healing process, help you regain strength, prevent further injury, and in some cases prevent more invasive forms of treatment including surgery. Our therapists are highly skilled in evidence- based treatments including: manual therapy, Graston/IASTM techniques, therapeutic taping, therapeutic cupping, exercise prescription, and modalities.



Women’s Health:

Women have some issues that are unique to them. These include pregnancy, pelvic pain, urinary stress and urge incontinence, and pelvic organ prolapse. Kelley Penrose, PT is specialized in treating these issues.

Call our office or learn more about our Women’s Health program here.



Adults and children alike need good support of the feet in order to function correctly at the knees, hips, and low back. We can assist you in finding the right support through the Quadrastep/Little Steps orthotic systems. Other support devices, such as braces, splints, TENS units, and exercise equipment can be purchased through our clinic in accordance with each clients needs.



Common Diagnoses:

Your aches and pains aren’t normal! If you’ve been experiencing pain, we can help you. Click here to learn about some of the common disorders and diagnoses that can be treated with physical therapy. We have experience treating both common and uncommon pain! If you’re a new patient, please contact us to discuss how physical therapy may help with these or any other unlisted problems you may have.